The scientific observer of Nature is a kind of mystic seeker in the act of prayer.
Muhammad Iqbal

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
From Usrah
Thank you guys for making the day meaningful!! Thank you Dibah for your sincerely prayers(doa)! I loved it. The usrah was pretty good if we don't count the absence of Dr. Z. due to something. I hope everything will be better for everyone! We have recited sura-i Yaasin, Vakia and Cuma'. Each time I read Vakia or listen to that surah It touches my heart. The surah talks about the both ending whether it can arrive to Jannah or Jahannam(Heaven or Hell). Blessings and punishment are in the same place. Fear and delightfulness. Ayah 8 and 9 talk about the people who one is from left, one is from right. How blessed the people if they take their book from right, in how bad situation the people who take their book from their left. May Allah always protect us from the sins. May Allah help us to live as a real Muslim in the Earth and to go hereafter peacefully. May Allah make us one of those people who take their books from their right. Amin.
Monday, February 1, 2010
:) Greetings
Assalamu alaykum to all ! May Allah keep this circle wider, firmer and :) colorful, as everybody share and help each other in practicing our faith and acquiring knowledge about our One Supreme Maker. As we learn more about the Most Merciful and Compassionate Creator, we also increase our love and gratefulness for Him. For example, one of last meeting's pointers was in regards our gratefulness for all our blessings shown specially on how we perform our daily prayers.
see you all inshaallah next meeting. :) Your new sister and friend, Safiyya
see you all inshaallah next meeting. :) Your new sister and friend, Safiyya
Saturday, January 23, 2010
From the 4th week of the Usrah
السلام عليكم
Alhamd lellah we have performed our 4th class(Usrah) by last Friday that means we completed one month in our circle. This is very nice to see our circle is getting bigger week by week. I want to mention about the absences of juniors from Computer Science on last Friday. My opinion for this issue is we should come to the Usrah even we have a reason to be absent that seems very important most of time like doing an assignment that has to be finished up at that day. Our class is not whole day; it is just one hour. Sometimes we sacrifice something to do something else which is more valuable for our life maybe. Right here we should look at properly and decide which one is more valuable for us. I do not say that as a student we have to leave our duty to one side like an assignment but we may find some ways to attend this class. I am sorry if I am gotten wrong. I just wanted to touch a bit to this topic.
Anyway, as I said our circle is getting bigger. In this week, we have met with some friends who are the new parts of our circle inshallah. Our number was almost twenty with our S. Abla(sister) who is from Philippine, some of new Turkish comers and one of our new(actually not new for me (: )friend who is from Kedah and first year student in Chemical Engineering faculty (which is most related major to my study in our class ;) This is very nice, I liken our circle a flower's circle which is becoming more colorful with time.
By this week we have covered the first chapter that is 'The Meaning of Islam'. So, what does Islam mean? We should be able to answer it after covering this topic. As an introduction, Islam connotes submission, surrender and obedience. "Another literal meaning of the word Islam is 'peace' and this signifies that one can achieve real peace of body and mind only through submission and obedience to Allah. Such a life obedience brings with it peace of the heart and establishes real peace in society at large."- Editor of Towards Understanding Islam. We really love to pronounce this word that is 'Salam'. Salam means peace and I think it covers most of the meaning of Islam and the word Salam gives peace to our hearts. In fact, they comes from same root as a word in Arabic. That is why we see the similarity between these words.
We have discussed about many things in our class. Inshallah when I have time I would like to write about them as well because I believe in that they are most important points for our faith. For now I should end it up to go to study.
Next week, in the same place, at the same time. Right 12:30. Please be on time. From the book we will read chapter two: Faith and Obedience. About reading book I want to suggest something that I did not do it yet, we may nominate one hour in a whole week which has totally 168 hours. I guess we can do it and study within the other 167 hours, can we? If we make an effort to read the book I am pretty sure our classes will become more active and energetic.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Assalamualaikum dear sisters..
It's me, Nelly.. :)
Recently, a very good friend of mine showed me a few videos on youtube and i would love to share them with all of you.
In the video, they did some sort of a sketch on how satan influence us in our everyday life.
Maybe some of you have seen them before..
Anyway, here's the videos..
(videos been removed)
I hope after watching these, we realize that we should bare in mind that satan is everywhere to get us. Like Dr.Z(she prefer to keep her identity a secret ;D ) mentioned to us today, satan vowed, that they will try their very best to make us (Son of Adam) follow their path. So, we should always remind ourselves to stay on the right track.
That's all from me. See you guys again next week.
Assalamualaikum. :)
It's me, Nelly.. :)
Recently, a very good friend of mine showed me a few videos on youtube and i would love to share them with all of you.
In the video, they did some sort of a sketch on how satan influence us in our everyday life.
Maybe some of you have seen them before..
Anyway, here's the videos..
(videos been removed)
I hope after watching these, we realize that we should bare in mind that satan is everywhere to get us. Like Dr.Z(she prefer to keep her identity a secret ;D ) mentioned to us today, satan vowed, that they will try their very best to make us (Son of Adam) follow their path. So, we should always remind ourselves to stay on the right track.
That's all from me. See you guys again next week.
Assalamualaikum. :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
our 1st meeting
Dr. Z, our previous English teacher, conducted our very first meeting, so called Circle of Iman. How am I greatly surprised as I met some of the Turkish yesterday. There are 7 of them if I'm not mistaken and they were extremely gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, and breathe-taking women gifted with flawless skin and beautiful look. Not to forget with a perfect height.
Our meeting started with reciting the ummul kitab, Al-Fatihah and Madam firstly ask if any of us doesn't feel comfortable citing Koran in public since some of them prefers to read on their own. Those who feel uncomfortable citing Koran in public had been given the privileged not to read. Though in my opinion, we should not feel embarrass if we didn't know how to read or not confident in reading, because this is the time where we can correct each other and make room for an improvement if we're poor at it.
We proceed with citing As-Shams(The Sun) and the translation. Madam read through the translation once again and told us how important it is in purifying our soul and the greatness of Allah, who creates the sun, day, night, heaven, earth and the Soul. Zaynab together with the help of her Turkish friends, shares with us the meaning of Al-'Asr(The Declining Day), Masha-Allah, they can translate the surah by themselves without the help of translations. That was impressive ! How I wish I could understand the entire Koran without referring translations. Al-'Asr portrayed how important time is. Where it stated that man is a state of loss.
We ended our meeting with tasbih kafarah and suratul 'Asr.
There are a lot of things I gathered yesterday and hopefully all of us could acquire more soon. Insya-Allah : )
P/S: As-Shams reminds me of ESQ Training Malaysia which I attend after my matriculation. There's a song where it's like.. kinda our theme song, "Demi Matahari" (theSun), the lyrics was depicted from the meaning of surah As-Shams. Anyway, right after I finish this program, I ended up donning hijab and I'm very grateful for that. Alhamdulillah. : )
Our meeting started with reciting the ummul kitab, Al-Fatihah and Madam firstly ask if any of us doesn't feel comfortable citing Koran in public since some of them prefers to read on their own. Those who feel uncomfortable citing Koran in public had been given the privileged not to read. Though in my opinion, we should not feel embarrass if we didn't know how to read or not confident in reading, because this is the time where we can correct each other and make room for an improvement if we're poor at it.
We proceed with citing As-Shams(The Sun) and the translation. Madam read through the translation once again and told us how important it is in purifying our soul and the greatness of Allah, who creates the sun, day, night, heaven, earth and the Soul. Zaynab together with the help of her Turkish friends, shares with us the meaning of Al-'Asr(The Declining Day), Masha-Allah, they can translate the surah by themselves without the help of translations. That was impressive ! How I wish I could understand the entire Koran without referring translations. Al-'Asr portrayed how important time is. Where it stated that man is a state of loss.
We ended our meeting with tasbih kafarah and suratul 'Asr.
There are a lot of things I gathered yesterday and hopefully all of us could acquire more soon. Insya-Allah : )
P/S: As-Shams reminds me of ESQ Training Malaysia which I attend after my matriculation. There's a song where it's like.. kinda our theme song, "Demi Matahari" (theSun), the lyrics was depicted from the meaning of surah As-Shams. Anyway, right after I finish this program, I ended up donning hijab and I'm very grateful for that. Alhamdulillah. : )
السلام عليكم
Hereby, I made this blog for us to share on what we've learned and to notify us when and where our next meeting will be held.I'll make a setting so that all of us can publish our post in this blog. Therefore, this blog are not only meant for me, in fact, all of us can post any information and get it published. Salam
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