Friday, October 8, 2010

From Usrah

Thank you guys for making the day meaningful!! Thank you Dibah for your sincerely prayers(doa)! I loved it. The usrah was pretty good if we don't count the absence of Dr. Z. due to something. I hope everything will be better for everyone! We have recited sura-i Yaasin, Vakia and Cuma'. Each time I read Vakia or listen to that surah It touches my heart. The surah talks about the both ending whether it can arrive to Jannah or Jahannam(Heaven or Hell). Blessings and punishment are in the same place. Fear and delightfulness. Ayah 8 and 9 talk about the people who one is from left, one is from right. How blessed the people if they take their book from right, in how bad situation the people who take their book from their left. May Allah always protect us from the sins. May Allah help us to live as a real Muslim in the Earth and to go hereafter peacefully. May Allah make us one of those people who take their books from their right. Amin.


  1. Amiin. i really like today usrah. eventhough not many people come and Dr Z cannot come , but it shows that we still want to make this circle of eeman alive.

  2. Salam !! I think we should not Count On MZ only..
    May be we should think off sumtin to do on Friday if MZ couldnt come.. HUHUHU.. Maybe we do some sirah story .. :D

  3. You are right Alia. It should be a proper one which go on weekly. Before that we should ask to the girls.. :)
