Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Usrah 2/12/2011

How we lose, how we win? What is the real power, weapon and the plan? What are our shields?
We have started our halaqah reciting Al-Fatiha and following that Ar-Rum. This has been the most active class of COE history for me and the touching one, deep in my heart. The topic was opened itself as if we know it beginning from our chatting: `The position of Muslimin in the 21st century era`. I don’t remember where it began but we were talking about Chinese government and their policy on East Turkistan, as we had one Uyghur friend with us. Moreover Ar-Rum was related to what we talked. I want to write down the first ayahs of the surah (unfortunately couldn't insert Arabic verses)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alif, Lam, Meem[30:1]
The Byzantines have been defeated[30:2]
In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome.[30:3]
Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after.
And that day the believers will rejoice[30:4]
In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.[30:5]

The one who possess the knowledge and thus technology as we can refer to in our time, is more feared. We see the examples from developed countries, how much they are feared by the others as if the developed countries can do anything to others; they can come and invade if they will. On the other hand, people think they need them, or basically they need their technology. People (Muslims) stopped thinking. We see in everyday life more and more disgusting things such as gay marriage, killing own parents and so on. Who makes all these things as a normal standard to us? Who could think about one of these issues in 50 years ago time. Now we see that the things seem very normal and usual for us. Human haven’t been changed but the minds are being changed day by day. To me, the most effective tool is the internet that we actually go crazy about. We are lulled and having a very pleasant sleep. We are not aware why we are sent to the Earth. We feel the fear to wrong matter. Allah is the mightiest and so we ought to feel the fear for. He is our creator and so the universe and all surrounding as in the 30:11:
Allah begins creation; then He will repeat it; then to Him you will be returned.


When is the victory? How long have we as Muslims been in this situation, listening their lulls, acting nothing, reaching nowhere. Saying is cheap, will we start doing what our real reference (Quran) tells us?

I hope this week we will talk more about the solution to become esteemed Ummah which requires many hard working efforts.

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