Friday, January 13, 2012

COE Friday 13/01/12

Oh my.. I am not really prepared for this end. As always, today it was a striking halaqah we had. I hold myself to not get emotional but as I'm graduating I will be no longer with my halaqah, no more Friday COE? The idea itself is gloomy, what I know I don't want to lose my COE. Nevertheless, I want to sum up from our discussion we had today. 

Peace be Upon on All! In the name of Allah, most merciful, most precious. 

As a beginning we have recited Quran, as suggested  Al Hâqqah . It is such a stunning surah, touches our hearts. This surah may come to us a bit heavy, however, it is something we need. When we forget, we need something like this, harsh to hear, to be reminded basically.Overall, it mentions about all ummah has been sent until now, how they disobedient and how they were punished finally end up with a disaster sent by Allah (swt). It goes on by mentioning the role of us as a Muslim, the heaven and the hell fire for the outcome of our deeds and actions in this world. Here are the first three verses of the surah:

69:1 The Sure Reality! 
69:2 What is the Sure Reality?
69:3 And what will make thee realise what the Sure Reality is?

The Sure Reality the matter, afterwards the question; what is it? As I noticed the questions are getting tougher. Really, how can we realise what the Sure Reality is? What will make us realised? Do we need a disaster, still we are disobeying against Allah's merciful and blessings around us. What do we wait for? This Sure Reality is that no any nullify can be done. To make a hypothesis, for our own knowledge let's say we do a research, a lot of theory has to be qualified. But this Sure Reality is not something like hypothesis, it is Hakka. It is the inevitable, not open to any interpretation. Only truth, whatever it says will definitely happen we just do not know when. No such thing as theory can be made, no argument, no statistics has to be done. It is the Allah's word that we must obey. 

Back to the question that we discussed last week, how can we see the implications of our Holy Book in our life? An ayah as I think is very suitable for the situation:

"The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely" 8:2 

Fascinatingly, it gives such a huge effect to me individually and makes me think of my situation. Do I really feel the fear when Allah is mentioned and His verses are recited? Does it increase me in faith? My Lord, make me straightly walk in the way that you want me to walk.    

An example given by our Dr. Z: Suratul Felak, 
113:1 Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak
113:5 "And from the evil of an envier when he envies"

Envy is a very bad habit that we are not ought to do. We ask Allah's protection, and then how can we even practise envy? Our manifested believe can be seen if you are practising or else you are avoiding it. So, we do not only recite the ayah but also practice it, experience it, implicate in our life. That makes us know the position of us in this world and makes us comprehend we are useful indeed. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mushroom Cookies

Salam sisters!

Last month we did a potluck gathering in Dr. Z's house. It was so much fun, so colorful, enjoyable especially when we are chasing after the naughty rabbits. As everybody brings some food I wanted to make something that I like and I can make the best. Mushroom cookies was the candidate to reach my friends' taste. It was funny when some of them thought they are real mushrooms. Anyway, I want to write its recipe for those who are interested to bake it. 

Ingredients & Recipe

  • 500 gr. Corn Starch
  • 1 glass of icing sugar
  • 1 glass of cooking oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of flour
  • baking powder
  • 1 tea spoon of cocoa powder
  • vanillin (optinal)

Mix the ingredients in a wide container adding them respectively. Knead the dough very well. Take small pieces from the dough, like a walnut size pieces and roll them as a ball. To make the mushroom shape, you can use a glass bottle if you have, or otherwise you can use a bottle cap. Sink the cap into cocoa that you put in a small plate and make circles on top of the cookies a bit pressing on them as illustrated below. Heat the oven at first for some time at 170°C and bake them for 20 minutes. Check if they are cooked well or not. By the way they will be in whitish color not too dark.     

There you are! Bon Apetite!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Usrah 2/12/2011

How we lose, how we win? What is the real power, weapon and the plan? What are our shields?
We have started our halaqah reciting Al-Fatiha and following that Ar-Rum. This has been the most active class of COE history for me and the touching one, deep in my heart. The topic was opened itself as if we know it beginning from our chatting: `The position of Muslimin in the 21st century era`. I don’t remember where it began but we were talking about Chinese government and their policy on East Turkistan, as we had one Uyghur friend with us. Moreover Ar-Rum was related to what we talked. I want to write down the first ayahs of the surah (unfortunately couldn't insert Arabic verses)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alif, Lam, Meem[30:1]
The Byzantines have been defeated[30:2]
In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome.[30:3]
Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after.
And that day the believers will rejoice[30:4]
In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.[30:5]

The one who possess the knowledge and thus technology as we can refer to in our time, is more feared. We see the examples from developed countries, how much they are feared by the others as if the developed countries can do anything to others; they can come and invade if they will. On the other hand, people think they need them, or basically they need their technology. People (Muslims) stopped thinking. We see in everyday life more and more disgusting things such as gay marriage, killing own parents and so on. Who makes all these things as a normal standard to us? Who could think about one of these issues in 50 years ago time. Now we see that the things seem very normal and usual for us. Human haven’t been changed but the minds are being changed day by day. To me, the most effective tool is the internet that we actually go crazy about. We are lulled and having a very pleasant sleep. We are not aware why we are sent to the Earth. We feel the fear to wrong matter. Allah is the mightiest and so we ought to feel the fear for. He is our creator and so the universe and all surrounding as in the 30:11:
Allah begins creation; then He will repeat it; then to Him you will be returned.


When is the victory? How long have we as Muslims been in this situation, listening their lulls, acting nothing, reaching nowhere. Saying is cheap, will we start doing what our real reference (Quran) tells us?

I hope this week we will talk more about the solution to become esteemed Ummah which requires many hard working efforts.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Quote of the Day

The scientific observer of Nature is a kind of mystic seeker in the act of prayer.
Muhammad Iqbal

Friday, October 8, 2010

From Usrah

Thank you guys for making the day meaningful!! Thank you Dibah for your sincerely prayers(doa)! I loved it. The usrah was pretty good if we don't count the absence of Dr. Z. due to something. I hope everything will be better for everyone! We have recited sura-i Yaasin, Vakia and Cuma'. Each time I read Vakia or listen to that surah It touches my heart. The surah talks about the both ending whether it can arrive to Jannah or Jahannam(Heaven or Hell). Blessings and punishment are in the same place. Fear and delightfulness. Ayah 8 and 9 talk about the people who one is from left, one is from right. How blessed the people if they take their book from right, in how bad situation the people who take their book from their left. May Allah always protect us from the sins. May Allah help us to live as a real Muslim in the Earth and to go hereafter peacefully. May Allah make us one of those people who take their books from their right. Amin.

Monday, February 1, 2010

:) Greetings

Assalamu alaykum to all ! May Allah keep this circle wider, firmer and :) colorful, as everybody share and help each other in practicing our faith and acquiring knowledge about our One Supreme Maker. As we learn more about the Most Merciful and Compassionate Creator, we also increase our love and gratefulness for Him. For example, one of last meeting's pointers was in regards our gratefulness for all our blessings shown specially on how we perform our daily prayers.
see you all inshaallah next meeting. :) Your new sister and friend, Safiyya

Saturday, January 23, 2010

From the 4th week of the Usrah

السلام عليكم

Assalamualaykum to all my sisters and Dr. Z. It's me, Mimi or Merve whichever you know. :)

Alhamd lellah we have performed our 4th class(Usrah) by last Friday that means we completed one month in our circle. This is very nice to see our circle is getting bigger week by week. I want to mention about the absences of juniors from Computer Science on last Friday. My opinion for this issue is we should come to the Usrah even we have a reason to be absent that seems very important most of time like doing an assignment that has to be finished up at that day. Our class is not whole day; it is just one hour. Sometimes we sacrifice something to do something else which is more valuable for our life maybe. Right here we should look at properly and decide which one is more valuable for us. I do not say that as a student we have to leave our duty to one side like an assignment but we may find some ways to attend this class. I am sorry if I am gotten wrong. I just wanted to touch a bit to this topic.

Anyway, as I said our circle is getting bigger. In this week, we have met with some friends who are the new parts of our circle inshallah. Our number was almost twenty with our S. Abla(sister) who is from Philippine, some of new Turkish comers and one of our new(actually not new for me (: )friend who is from Kedah and first year student in Chemical Engineering faculty (which is most related major to my study in our class ;) This is very nice, I liken our circle a flower's circle which is becoming more colorful with time.

By this week we have covered the first chapter that is 'The Meaning of Islam'. So, what does Islam mean? We should be able to answer it after covering this topic. As an introduction, Islam connotes submission, surrender and obedience. "Another literal meaning of the word Islam is 'peace' and this signifies that one can achieve real peace of body and mind only through submission and obedience to Allah. Such a life obedience brings with it peace of the heart and establishes real peace in society at large."- Editor of Towards Understanding Islam. We really love to pronounce this word that is 'Salam'. Salam means peace and I think it covers most of the meaning of Islam and the word Salam gives peace to our hearts. In fact, they comes from same root as a word in Arabic. That is why we see the similarity between these words.

We have discussed about many things in our class. Inshallah when I have time I would like to write about them as well because I believe in that they are most important points for our faith. For now I should end it up to go to study.

Next week, in the same place, at the same time. Right 12:30. Please be on time. From the book we will read chapter two: Faith and Obedience. About reading book I want to suggest something that I did not do it yet, we may nominate one hour in a whole week which has totally 168 hours. I guess we can do it and study within the other 167 hours, can we? If we make an effort to read the book I am pretty sure our classes will become more active and energetic.